Mandala Methodology
On Demand 20hrs Program + 30hrs Extra
Reignite your practice
Get the keys to create & teach Mandala
Certified by The Yoga People & Yoga Alliance
Study at your own pace. Receive personalized attention to your questions & assignments. Includes workbook & access to course additions/upgrades.
Welcome to the vortex of Mandala Vinyasa by Dulce.
A Portal to the Elements
The Method consists of 4 routines. Each represents an Element and it's specific muscular/energetic activation. We move 360° and flow through asanas, inversions & introspection. You will experience the Earth, Water, Fire & Air with a deep connection to movement & breath.
- Complete course manual.
- 5 Mandala Practices
- 3 Elemental Meditations
- Mandala origins history and source of inspiration
- Complete Mandala Methodology.
- Overview of Elemental Psychology with Jamie Clarke
- Elemental Energetic Theory with Carlos Mundalah
- Practicum sessions to create your own mandala.
- Opening and Closing ceremonies.
- Krama Methodology
- 4 assignments reviewed by our teachers
- 30 hours+ of Mandala classes to practice and draw inspiration.
- 4 mandala elemental music mixes by Carlos Mundalah
- HD mandala methodology overview and in-depth Yin Yoga Elemental Class
**The course was done live via zoom and recorded separately in high quality, only a few classes are zoom recorded due to presentations being used. The bonus classes are zoom recorded. The extra content was recorded in 4k. If any doubts arise, you can contact our assistant teachers to help you.

Dulce Aguilar
Dulce based her Mandala Vinyasa on the 4 Elements. The system is a blend of the Yoga styles she practiced infused with Shamanism and intention.

You get
A method to create & teach Mandala classes with personalized attention. The program includes 20 hours of Mandala Training & 30 extra hours of Mandala Practices. Plus, 4 music mixes created live by Carlos Mundalah

You will receive a 20 hours Mandala Vinyasa Certificate after completing the course + submitting 3 small assignments + designing your first Mandala Class.